Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Curious about Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

Progressive Web Apps provide an installable, app-like experience on desktop and mobile that are built and delivered directly via the web. They're web apps that are fast and reliable. And most importantly, they're web apps that work in any browser.

Benefits of progressive web applications are

  1. PWA save up to 75% of the costs of a native app
  2. PWA works offline
  3. With faster loading time, PWA reduces server load.
  4. Browsing with PWA is seamless. This can help in a huge increase in conversion rates.

If you're building a web app today, you're already on the path towards building a Progressive Web App.

Along with that, just to provide an impression of what a progressive web app feels like, I have created a weather application known as Weather-Around-me, do have a look at it and let me know what it feels like

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